Always available

and be able to do your work undisturbed
With CompanyName Answering Service you can be sure that all your customers will be answered. With our trial package you can try the Places Answering Service for free for 30 days. This trial period ends automatically.

Free and non-binding

with an expert from Company Name

  • 100% free and without obligation
  • Customized marketing advice
  • No obligations

How does Answering Service

How does it work?

Do the check

See for free how visible your business listing is on Google, Apple Maps and TomTom, among others

Improve immediately

Easily improve and manage all your business listings and performance from one dashboard

Easier to find online

More customers will find your company through better online findability and up-to-date company information


Always attention For Your Customers
Do what you are good at, without being interrupted all the time. No more missed calls because your hands are full. Places Answering Service takes all your calls, so you won't miss any more customers!


We answer your phone just like you would?
With...(company name)..., how can I help you?. A call script can be very personal. Indicate your preferences and we will answer the phone exactly as you would. We answer frequently asked questions and, if necessary, we transfer the telephone.


Appointments & reservations we plan immediately
With access to your company's agenda, we can immediately schedule appointments, make reservations or create a ticket.


Manage Easily Via personal dashboard
We answer the phone, but you are in control. Via your dashboard you have insight into all received and answered telephone calls, you can view call reports and you can easily adjust your personal calling script.


Background IconPackage Icon
For Big Companies
$*** /Monthly
  • CheckmarkOnline visibility optimization
  • CheckmarkReputation management
  • CheckmarkWebsite with 5 pages or Webshop with 5 products (including domain, hosting, email)
  • CheckmarkNationwide advertising
  • CheckmarkDedicated phone number
  • CheckmarkPersonal marketer (4 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkPersonal graphic designer (4 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkSEA Advertising on platforms like Google and Bing (starting budget of €200)
  • CheckmarkSocial media advertising
  • CheckmarkLegal Accountant
Background IconPackage Icon
For startups
$*** /Monthly
  • CheckmarkOnline visibility optimization
  • CheckmarkReputation management
  • CheckmarkWebsite with 1 page
  • CheckmarkUrban advertising
  • CheckmarkDedicated phone number
  • CheckmarkPersonal marketer (1 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkPersonal graphic designer (1 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkCustomized customer service up to 15 calls, then ($*** per call)
  • CheckmarkAccountant
Background IconPackage Icon
For Individuals
$*** /Monthly
  • CheckmarkOnline visibility optimization
  • CheckmarkReputation management
  • CheckmarkWebsite with 5 pages (including domain, hosting, email)
  • CheckmarkRegional advertising
  • CheckmarkDedicated phone number
  • CheckmarkPersonal marketer (2 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkPersonal graphic designer (2 hours per month)
  • CheckmarkCustomized customer service up to 25 calls, then ($*** per call)
  • CheckmarkLegal Accountant

What Client say About our

All in one solution Packages

Do you have any questions?

We are ready for you 7 days a week!

Would you like to know more about our services? We are happy to provide advice on how your company can grow (even) more!

Call: +31 516 15616 518

We are available 24/7